Journal of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics››2021››Issue (02): 72-79.

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Family Capital and Social Class—Empirical research based on CGSS2017 survey data

XU Li, YI Xiao-man

  1. Department of Ethnology and Sociology, South-Center University For Nationalities, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
  • Received:2020-09-14Online:2021-03-15Published:2021-03-22

Abstract:With the concerns of social facts such as the "second-generation phenomenon" and "stratum consolidation", whether family capital affects the acquisition of individual social classes arouses people's thinking. Based on the CGSS2017 survey data, this research uses multiple linear regression analysis methods to investigate the influence of family capital on the social class of offspring from three aspects:family economic capital, family cultural capital, and family social capital. The study found that the family economic capital has a significant effect on the acquisition of the upper class of society. In the family cultural capital, the mother's education level has a positive effect on the social class of the offspring, but the significance disappears over time. In family social capital, the occupation level of the mother has a positive effect on the social class of the offspring, and this effect is also no longer significant over time.

Key words:family economic capital,family cultural capital,and family social capital,social class

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