››2019››Issue (05): 54-64.

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The relationship between employee-assisted behavior and work well-being at work,Adjusted by team cohesion

CHEN Ming-shu, LU Qing-tao

  1. Business School Of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410000, China
  • Received:2018-05-06Online:2019-09-15Published:2019-09-20

Abstract:An empirical study of 224 employees with different work experience in different occupations was conducted by means of questionnaires, which verified the inverted u-type relationship between the frequency of helping people's behavior and work well-being, indicating that the gain-assisted behavior promotes work happiness, and the loss-oriented helper behavior inhibits work well-being. At the same time, the adjustment effect of the team cohesion is verified. The results show that the team cohesion adjusts the opening size of inverted u curve. When the team cohesion is low, the curve opening becomes smaller, and the influence of the helper behavior on the helper's work well-being is strengthened. When the team's cohesion is high, the curve opening becomes larger, and the influence of the helping behavior on the helper's work well-being is weakened.

Key words:helping behavior,work well-being,team cohesion,inverted u curve

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