››2018››Issue (02): 38-45.

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Seller's Corporate Social Responsibility and Buyer's Corporate Value: Buyer's Corporate Social Responsibility as a Mediator

XU Shi-wei1, CHEN De-mian1, QIAO Ming-zhe2

  1. 1. School of Economics & Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;
    2. School of Finance & Management, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2017-08-19Online:2018-03-15Published:2018-03-26

Abstract:Linking both sides of the M&A event, setting up main variables such as CSR, corporation value, having empirical tests to check the relationships such as between seller's CSR before M&A and buyer's CSR after M&A, between buyer's CSR after M&A and its corporation value, between seller's CSR before M&A and buyer's Corporation Value after M&A, results show that the relationships between everyone of the 3 pairs above-mentioned are significant positive correlation, furthermore, also find that in the relationship between seller's CSR before M&A and buyer's Corporation Value after M&A, buyer's CSR after M&A palys a mediation role.

Key words:corporate social responsibility(CSR),corporate value,mediating effect

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