Journal of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics››2020››Issue (06): 47-56.

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The Impact of Board Cultural Heterogeneity on the Capital Structure of Commercial Banks

YAO Lei1, MENG Da2

  1. 1. Institute of Southern Studies, Jilin University, Guangdong Zhuhai 519000, China;
    2. Institute of Cultural Industry, Shenzhen University, Guangdong Shenzhen 518060, China
  • Received:2020-05-07Online:2020-11-15Published:2020-11-19

Abstract:This paper takes A-share listed commercial banks in China from 2006 to 2019 as the research sample, and divides the board culture of commercial banks into six dimensions:individualism, manliness, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, long-term orientation and self indulgence. According to the operating characteristics, development background and data disclosure characteristics of A-share listed commercial banks in China, based on the Hofstede cultural framework, this paper constructs a three-tier model of the role of the board culture of commercial banks in the capital structure of commercial banks, and explores the impact of the board culture of commercial banks on the capital structure. The results show that the cultural heterogeneity of the board of directors has a significant impact on the capital structure of commercial banks. The six cultural dimensions of the board of directors under the Hofstede cultural framework have a significant impact on the capital structure of commercial banks. Individualism and masculinity have a significant negative interaction effect with uncertainty avoidance.

Key words:hofstede culture framework,capital structure,culture dimensioned,interaction effect

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