››2019››Issue (05): 44-53.

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The Impact of Labor Relation Condition and Organizational Justice on Employees Job Performance-A Model of Moderated Mediator

LIU Tao, YANG Hui-ying

  1. Business School of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China;Haerbin University of Commerce, Haerbin, Heilongjiang 150028, China
  • Received:2018-05-01Online:2019-09-15Published:2019-09-20

Abstract:the role of organizational justice, and its impact on employee's job performance. The model's underlying hypothesis were conceptually developed and empirically examined. A questionnaire survey covering 628 organizations was commissioned. The questionnaire was pilot tested with academics and practitioners. The model's hypotheses were examined using structural equation modeling. The analysis showed that organizational justice and labor relation condition have positive impact on employee's job performance. The results also showed that burnout plays a key role between the organizational justice and labor relation condition. This study found that organizational justice improved job performance by limiting the accumulation of burnout. Interestingly, labor relation condition with interactive effects of organizational justice was found to be able to limit the accumulation of burnout. This study contributes to existing industrial management body of knowledge, especially it provides new insights to guide managers in developing countries to better manage their workforces.

Key words:Job performance,organization justice,burnout,labor relation condition

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