››2019››Issue (05): 102-110.

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The Anomie and the Regulation of Net-Charity

FENG Chun, HUANG Jing-wen

  1. Southwest University of Political and Law, School of Politics and Public Administration, Chongqing 401120, China
  • Received:2019-01-20Online:2019-09-15Published:2019-09-20

Abstract:With the network charity flourishing at the same time,all kinds of anomie phenomenon highlights:there is no ability to distinguish the true and false information of online charity;lack of transparency in the use of charitable funds;the fund-raising platform has the behavior of seeking self-interest;the Net-charity has degenerated into a tool for illegal activities.The reason is due to the net-charity platform has no ability to screen true and false information;lacking open and transparent mechanism,supervision system,supporting laws and regulations.Therefore, we need to strengthen information audit;build a open and transparent system;strengthen the governance of the network charity platform; improve the relevant laws and regulations.

Key words:Net-charity,Anomie,Governance

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