››2016››Issue (5): 61-70.

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How to Reasonably Determine the Executive Perquisites-A Research Based on Perspective of Corporate Governance

JIA Jing

  1. Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • Received:2016-01-25Online:2016-09-15Published:2016-09-24

Abstract:Executive perquisites is a common cost in companies' business. Nowadays the researchers found that the reasonable perquisites is useful for company's performance, but the unreasonable perquisites could hurt the performance, but how to reasonably determine the executive perquisites and business spending is still an open question. Take the perspective of corporate governance, the research shows that the encouragement and counterbalance of manager, the power and source of perks consumption have significant influence on executive perquisites, it is possible to determine the reasonable perquisites through those corporate governance characteristics. By using the empirical data of Chinese Main board Listed Companies from 2008 to 2013, this paper proves the reasonable perquisites has a significant positive correlation with company's performance, and the unreasonable perquisites has a significant negative correlation with company's performance, this result shows that the determination of reasonable perquisites limit from corporate governance perspective is efficient. It suggest that the stakeholders should pay attention to corporate governance's role on executive perquisites monitoring, reasonably determine the executive perquisites range and avoid the damage of performance by excessive perquisites.

Key words:executive perquisites,reasonable determination,performance

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