››2016››Issue (02): 10-16.

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Housing Price and Residents' Income Distribution Gap-Based on the Empirical Study of the 26 Large and Medium-sized Cities

YANG Qiao, YANG Yang-chang

  1. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei 430073, China
  • Received:2016-01-03Online:2016-03-15Published:2016-03-15

Abstract:Income distribution gap widening gradually and house price rising rapidly are the two major problems needed to be solved under China's new normal. In this paper, we consider the relationship between house price and income distribution gap to clarify the interaction mechanism. Based on panel data of 26 large and medium cities from 2003 to 2012, we construct house price' and gini coefficient's panel data regression model. The empirical results show that house price's influence on gini coefficient is positive; Gini coefficient's influence on house price is positive. And gini coefficient is more pronounced impact on house price. In addition, we find that the urbanization rate, GDP and development of the third industry also have significant impacts on house price and income distribution gap. Thus, in the process of urbanization, based on the interaction between house price and income distribution, we should connect the real estate regulatory policies with the income distribution policies. It's effective to restrain the house prices rising and narrow the income distribution gap.

Key words:housing price,income distribution gap,gini coefficient

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