贵州财经大学学报››2024››Issue (03): 62-71.

• 乡村振兴 •上一篇



  1. 重庆社会科学院, 重庆 400020
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-13发布日期:2024-05-23
  • 作者简介:文丰安(1973—),男,重庆酉阳人,重庆社会科学院改革杂志社执行总编辑,教授,重庆市中国特色社会主义理论研究中心特约研究员,研究方向为政治经济学。

The theoretical connotation, realistic dilemma and practical path of new rural collective economy

WEN Fengan

  1. Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, Chongqing, 400020
  • Received:2023-12-13Published:2024-05-23



Abstract:Developing the new rural collective economy in the new era plays an important role in promoting the common prosperity of rural areas. The high-quality development of the new rural collective economy is an important way to improve people's well-being and achieve common prosperity, an important starting point to stimulate endogenous momentum and realize the revitalization of rural industries, and an important guarantee for consolidating the grass-roots political power and enhancing institutional confidence. So far, the development of the new rural collective economy has achieved certain phased results. However, the ideological awareness of some grassroots cadres and the masses needs to be improved, the related policy support for the new rural collective economy needs to be enhanced, the coordination of reforms in areas related to the new rural collective economy needs to be improved, the matching degree with the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy needs to be improved, and the support for the realization of the construction of rural common prosperity needs to be increased. Therefore, to achieve the high-quality development of the new rural collective economy in the process of Chinese-style modernization, it is necessary to popularize the regular rural modernization training, accelerate the introduction of comprehensive policies and optimize the allocation of resources, strengthening the synergies of relevant reforms, exploring a new model of interconnected internal and external development in light of local conditions, in terms of building a new governance pattern under the principle of common prosperity, we should optimize its development in a targeted manner, promote the development of a new rural collective economy, improve the quality and efficiency, and ultimately achieve common prosperity for rural farmers.

Key words:new rural collective economy,common prosperity,chinese-style modernization,rural revitalization strategy,high quality development

