贵州财经大学学报››2020››Issue (01): 47-58.

• 工商管理 •上一篇下一篇


黎绍凯1, 全诗凡2, 张广来1

  1. 1. 暨南大学, 广东 广州 510632;
    2. 云南财经大学, 云南 昆明 650221
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-07出版日期:2020-01-15发布日期:2020-01-15
  • 作者简介:黎绍凯(1990-),男,湖南娄底人,暨南大学产业经济研究院博士研究生,研究方向为开放经济与产业结构转型升级;全诗凡(1984-),湖北通山县人,博士,云南财经大学城市与环境学院讲师,研究方向为城市经济与区域经济发展;张广来(1992-),湖北黄梅人,暨南大学经济学院博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Can Corporate Foreign Investment Behavior Improve China's Factor Market Distortion: theoretical analysis and Mechanism

LI Shao-kai1, QUAN Shi-fan2, ZHANG Guang-lai1

  1. 1. Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510632, China;
    2. Yunnan University of Finance and economics, Kunming, Yunnan 650221, China
  • Received:2019-06-07Online:2020-01-15Published:2020-01-15



Abstract:The foreign investment behavior of enterprises has undoubtedly created important opportunities and external conditions for the adjustment and rational distribution of China's factor market structure. This paper uses the micro-enterprise data from 2000 to 2009 to construct a dynamic measurement model and examines the impact of corporate external investment behavior on factor market distortion through a two-step system GMM method. The study found that corporate foreign investment behavior effectively reduced the distortion of China's factor market and improved the utilization efficiency of the overall factor resources of the market. The results of market factor decomposition test, IV-2SLS estimation and sample period segmentation test are still robust. This paper further tests the mechanism of foreign investment behavior to the distortion of factor market through the mediation effect model which finds that the foreign investment behavior of enterprises mainly solves the distortion of the factor market in China by accelerating the process of "too excess capacity" and marginal industrial transfer and improving the productivity of domestic enterprises. Large-scale "going out" of enterprises can effectively resolve excess capacity and "return" the domestic market. This is also the reason for seeking new economic growth points of China's new round of reform and opening up.

Key words:foreign direct investment,factor market distortion,system GMM,resource allocation

