››2018››Issue (04): 12-20.

• 宏观经济 •上一篇下一篇


朱光福1,2, 周超1, 赵云亭3

  1. 1. 重庆工商大学 长江上游经济研究中心, 重庆 401331;
    2. 重庆城市管理职业学院 财经学院, 重庆 404100;
    3. 华东理工大学 社会与公共管理学院, 上海 200237
  • 收稿日期:2018-03-15出版日期:2018-07-15发布日期:2018-07-17
  • 作者简介:朱光福(1971-),男,重庆巫溪人,重庆工商大学长江上游经济研究中心区域经济学博士生、重庆城市管理职业学院教授,研究方向为区域经济、物流经济;周超(1989-),男,重庆綦江人,重庆工商大学长江上游经济研究中心区域经济博士生,研究方向为区域经济;赵云亭(1989-),男,山东济南人,华东理工大学社会与公共管理学院,研究方向为绿色经济。
  • 基金资助:


The coupling Coordination Analysis of Green Technology Efficiency and Industrial Structure of Yangtze River Economic Belt

ZHU Guang-fu1,2, ZHOU Chao1, Zhao Yun-ting3

  1. 1. National Research Center for Upper Yangtze Economy of Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 401331, China;
    2. Department of Finance and Economics, Chongqing City Management College, Chongqing 404100, China;
    3. Department of Society and Public Management, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
  • Received:2018-03-15Online:2018-07-15Published:2018-07-17



Abstract:Calculating the green technology efficiency, indexes of advanced industrial structure and rational industrial structure of Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2000 to 2014, this paper measures the coupling coordination degree between green technology efficiency and indexes of advanced industrial structure and rational industrial structure respectively and conducts further study by adopting hierarchical clustering method and variation coefficient method. The results suggest that the gap between provinces has expanded in rational industrial structure while narrowed in advanced industrial structure; the coupling coordination degree between green technology efficiency and indexes of advanced industrial structure is not satisfying yet the gap between provinces has been narrowing. The coupling coordination degree between green technology efficiency and indexes of rational industrial structure is satisfying but the gap has been expanding. From the perspective of regional distribution, Yangtze River Delta is with the highest level, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River rank secondly and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are with the lowest level.

Key words:green technology efficiency,advanced industrial structure,rational industrial structure,coupling coordination,yangtze river economic belt

